Saturday, March 04, 2006

Congressional Corruption

So disappointed to find a war hero who sinks to solicitation money for influence. Why are we surprised payola has been going on for centuries. Seems most disappointment arises from religious right who keep trying to portray themselves as "the good ones" when no group is completely good or evil.

Local joke: successful Republicans have 2 ex-wives and a long standing mistress on the side. Guess they are just trying to keep up with the Democrats who are less economically positioned so unable to afford so many ex-wives.

Not really concerned with their private lives. Just wish they would do a better job of running the country. Oil prices are bankrupting too many hard working people. Katrina Hurricane victims don't need to hear about millions in bribes when need home, job plus food on the table. Recentl release of video tape is a disgrace for the entire country. Let us go to the top for responsibility instead of trying to blame those with no power to change .

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