Saturday, August 14, 2004


Time for a bit of travel. Cannot decide whether only to go as far as Washington state or go on to Canada. I find Canada a wonderful place for new adventures. If only I could remember where I hid the passport and birth certificate would be off in a flash. Probably need a new passport as I never made the Skinner Sisters trip as anticipated.

Going to join that group for a go at London before too many more seasons pass. Just seems there is always something coming along to distract the happy traveler.

Had a bit of cool off so now low 100's with humidity. Reminds me a bit of the south without the hurricanes. Hope all you stitchers in hurricane path survived without problem.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Where Did You Go?

Where has the Stitching Blogger's Forum Gone? I looked, searched and finally gave up in frustration. Need a new word, used that one too many times.

Heating up in this part of the country. Too hot for anything creative plus the low humidity does not go with my camcorder. Less than 17% humidity do not recommend use. Waiting for delivery of new digital which hopefully does not have such a limitation.

Grandchildren did obligatory stop over. Took them to see Monkeys, train ride and boat ride. Think the train ride with roadrunner coming up for a snack was biggest hit of the day. My money was on the monkeys but what do I know.

Thinking about a short trip to Northern California for a short visit with friends then on to Oregon for some cooler weather.